Fashion TV live stream

Fashion TV live stream

TV channel:Fashion TV

Country: Germany

Category: Lifestyle

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Fashion TV watch streaming live

Fashion TV ist ein Fernsehsender, der sich der Welt des internationalen Modegeschäfts und Lifestyle-Themen widmet.

Das Spartenprogramm wurde in Paris von Michel Adam Lisowski gegründet und startete 1997. Es unterhält Büros in Paris, London und Wien, die technische Sendeablaufsteuerung erfolgt von Israel aus. Since its inception in 1997, FashionTV has been setting the highest standards for excellence in fashion and lifestyle broadcasting. The only TV equivalent to fashion print media appealing to everyone interested in fashion, style, beauty and trends, fashiontv understands and caters to its audience by providing original, unbiased and informative programming not available on other networks. A strong image and exceptional awareness ofFashionTV’s brand projects a unique, cosmopolitan and a modern style allowing for influential partnerships with many global brands.


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